"Fire Walk With Me | Crafted Pour"

"Unlike almost everyone I knew in 1990, I was not a big Twin Peaks fan. I tried to get into it, if for no other reason than to watch Kyle MacLachan as Special Agent Dale Cooper but I just didn’t really care who killed Laura Palmer. The series only lasted a year so it wasn’t that big of a deal. Then, on August 28th 1992, Fire Walk With Me was released in theaters. This prequel was supposed to give some background into what happened to Laura before she died as well as context to other mysteries. The hype was intense but the critics were unimpressed. The weird world David Lynch created in the fictional logging town of Deer Meadow, Washington was just too, well…weird. At least it was for the 90’s, and the movie was considered a bomb. During the early days of the pandemic, I revisited the world of weird and binge watched the entire series. This time, I actually liked it and understood the hype. I’m going to eventually watch Fire Walk With Me. Maybe with some damn good coffee. Cheers!", "undefined", "Fire Walk With Me",


Fire Walk With Me By , Unlike almost everyone I knew in 1990, I was not a big Twin Peaks fan. I tried to get into it, if for no other reason than to watch Kyle MacLachan as Special Agent Dale Cooper but I just didn’t really care who killed Laura Palmer. The series only lasted a year so it wasn’t that big of a deal. Then, on August 28th 1992, Fire Walk With Me was released in theaters. This prequel was supposed to give some background into what happened to Laura before she died as well as context to other mysteries. The hype was intense but the critics were unimpressed. The weird world David Lynch created in the fictional logging town of Deer Meadow, Washington was just too, well…weird. At least it was for the 90’s, and the movie was considered a bomb. During the early days of the pandemic, I revisited the world of weird and binge watched the entire series. This time, I actually liked it and understood the hype. I’m going to eventually watch Fire Walk With Me. Maybe with some damn good coffee. Cheers! Unlike almost everyone I knew in 1990, I was not a big Twin Peaks fan. I tried to get into it, if for no other reason than to watch Kyle MacLachan as Special Agent Dale Cooper but I just didn’t really care who killed Laura Palmer. The series only lasted a year so it wasn’t that big of a deal. Then, on August 28th 1992, Fire Walk With Me was released in theaters. This prequel was supposed to give some background into what happened to Laura before she died as well as context to other mysteries. The hype was intense but the critics were unimpressed. The weird world David Lynch created in the fictional logging town of Deer Meadow, Washington was just too, well…weird. At least it was for the 90’s, and the movie was considered a bomb. During the early days of the pandemic, I revisited the world of weird and binge watched the entire series. This time, I actually liked it and understood the hype. I’m going to eventually watch Fire Walk With Me. Maybe with some damn good coffee. Cheers! Ingredients: - Dented Brick Antelope Island Red Rum - Dented Brick Glitter Disco Nut Coconut Rum Instructions: Add ingredients to cocktail shaker with plenty of ice. Shake hard 15 seconds. Shake an additional 15 seconds. Strain into tiki glass over crushed or pebble ice. Garnish. Sip with caution and delight. ⛔️WARNING ⛔️ This cocktail is SPICY with the bitters and Barmalade. The Loyal Oils are super tasty, yet potent, so use sparingly. Fruity,Spicy,Sweet,Sours,Tiki