"Hang 'em High | Crafted Pour"

"I love to travel, and have no problem making friends abroad. I find that if you sit at the bar in any establishment it is pretty easy to find a fast friend with the person sitting next to you. It's also the best way to get robbed. In the summer of 2017, my boyfriend and I went to Spain with the sole purpose of having a Sherry adventure. We landed in Barcelona and made our way to Jerez, stopping at 7 cities and drinking every type of sherry along the way. Up to this point we had no problem getting around, even with our limited Spanish we found people friendly, helpful and easy to communicate with. Fast forward to the tail end of our trip where we found ourselves in the middle of Jerez de le Frontera, in 102-degree heat, hopelessly lost and looking every bit the American tourist amongst the very rural background and locals. This was the one time where "bellying up" at the bar didn't seem like a good idea, instinct told me not to turn my back so, we sat outside in the heat, shooing flies from our dirty glasses of Fino trying to get our bearings when it got suddenly, eerily quiet anåd empty. My boyfriend and I commented on how strange it was that the entire street and bar seemed to clear out without us noticing, it felt like an old western movie, we were getting ready for an old timey shootout. Out of the corner of my eye I saw two men rounding the corner, heading our way. I don't know if it was the smothering heat, or the four glasses of Sherry, but I suddenly felt like Clint Eastwood, ready to shoot my way out of this one-horse town. The men came our way, getting closer and closer, my back straightening with every step, ready to spring into action once the trouble inevitably began. Instead, the men smiled as they passed us and kept walking, paying no attention whatsoever to us. I should have felt silly in that moment, but the truth of the matter is that when you are born and raised in the hood, you always carry a little of it with you. You're always ready to hang 'em high if the moment presents itself. When I came home, I created this cocktail in memory of what my boyfriend and I now call "scary sherry" day. It is exactly the kind of refreshing and effervescent cocktail I would want to drink if I was Jed Cooper, waiting to hang on the hottest day of the year.", "undefined", "Hang 'em High",


Hang 'em High By , I love to travel, and have no problem making friends abroad. I find that if you sit at the bar in any establishment it is pretty easy to find a fast friend with the person sitting next to you. It's also the best way to get robbed. In the summer of 2017, my boyfriend and I went to Spain with the sole purpose of having a Sherry adventure. We landed in Barcelona and made our way to Jerez, stopping at 7 cities and drinking every type of sherry along the way. Up to this point we had no problem getting around, even with our limited Spanish we found people friendly, helpful and easy to communicate with.

Fast forward to the tail end of our trip where we found ourselves in the middle of Jerez de le Frontera, in 102-degree heat, hopelessly lost and looking every bit the American tourist amongst the very rural background and locals. This was the one time where I love to travel, and have no problem making friends abroad. I find that if you sit at the bar in any establishment it is pretty easy to find a fast friend with the person sitting next to you. It's also the best way to get robbed. In the summer of 2017, my boyfriend and I went to Spain with the sole purpose of having a Sherry adventure. We landed in Barcelona and made our way to Jerez, stopping at 7 cities and drinking every type of sherry along the way. Up to this point we had no problem getting around, even with our limited Spanish we found people friendly, helpful and easy to communicate with. Fast forward to the tail end of our trip where we found ourselves in the middle of Jerez de le Frontera, in 102-degree heat, hopelessly lost and looking every bit the American tourist amongst the very rural background and locals. This was the one time where "bellying up" at the bar didn't seem like a good idea, instinct told me not to turn my back so, we sat outside in the heat, shooing flies from our dirty glasses of Fino trying to get our bearings when it got suddenly, eerily quiet anåd empty. My boyfriend and I commented on how strange it was that the entire street and bar seemed to clear out without us noticing, it felt like an old western movie, we were getting ready for an old timey shootout. Out of the corner of my eye I saw two men rounding the corner, heading our way. I don't know if it was the smothering heat, or the four glasses of Sherry, but I suddenly felt like Clint Eastwood, ready to shoot my way out of this one-horse town. The men came our way, getting closer and closer, my back straightening with every step, ready to spring into action once the trouble inevitably began. Instead, the men smiled as they passed us and kept walking, paying no attention whatsoever to us. I should have felt silly in that moment, but the truth of the matter is that when you are born and raised in the hood, you always carry a little of it with you. You're always ready to hang 'em high if the moment presents itself. When I came home, I created this cocktail in memory of what my boyfriend and I now call "scary sherry" day. It is exactly the kind of refreshing and effervescent cocktail I would want to drink if I was Jed Cooper, waiting to hang on the hottest day of the year. Ingredients: - Gutierrez Colosia Fino Sherry - Mandarin Napoleon Liqueur Instructions: Whip Shake first five ingredients and strain into beer glass.  Add ice and top with the IPA from the recipe.  Garnish with Orange and Lime ribbons. Beer,Aperol,Lemon Juice,Orange Curacao,Sherry,Fino Sherry,Simple Syrup,IPA,All Recipes