"Clemenza Cooler | Crafted Pour"

"A riff on Dane Barca’s (Smugglers Cove) Cosa Nostra #2 that’s perfect for fall and the holiday season.", "undefined", "Clemenza Cooler",


Clemenza Cooler By , A riff on Dane Barca’s (Smugglers Cove) Cosa Nostra #2 that’s perfect for fall and the holiday season. A riff on Dane Barca’s (Smugglers Cove) Cosa Nostra #2 that’s perfect for fall and the holiday season. Ingredients: - Amaro Montenegro - Saint Lucia Spiced Rum Instructions: Combine all ingredients (except ginger ale) in a pilsner or other tall glass. Fill with cracked ice. Top with ginger ale and stir gently. Garnish with a lemon twist. Tropical,Seasonal,Refreshing,Holiday,Originals,Christmas,Fizzy,Mule,Aperitif