"Orange is the New Black | Crafted Pour"

"Irish Coffee Day is another solid reason to top a drink with whipped cream.", "undefined", "Orange is the New Black",


Orange is the New Black By , Irish Coffee Day is another solid reason to top a drink with whipped cream. Irish Coffee Day is another solid reason to top a drink with whipped cream. Ingredients: - Zero-Proof Whiskey - Cinnamon Syrup Instructions: Add whiskey and syrup to Irish coffee glass. Stir. Top with coffee. Garnish with orange whipped cream, orange slice and cinnamon. Orange Whipped Cream: 2 oz Heavy Cream, 0.5 oz Cinnamon Clove Syrup, 0.5 oz Orange Juice, 5 Drops Orange Food Coloring. Charge with 1 canister in iSi whipper. Temperance,Themed