"Ginger Lemon Sunset | Crafted Pour"

"Olipop Ginger Lemon Sparkling Tonic and Dented Brick Vodka together make their own special vodka and tonic. Clean and refreshing with a hint of ginger. ", "undefined", "Ginger Lemon Sunset",


Ginger Lemon Sunset By , Olipop Ginger Lemon Sparkling Tonic and Dented Brick Vodka together make their own special vodka and tonic.  Clean and refreshing with  a hint of ginger. Olipop Ginger Lemon Sparkling Tonic and Dented Brick Vodka together make their own special vodka and tonic. Clean and refreshing with a hint of ginger. Ingredients: - Dented Brick Craft Vodka - Olipop Lemon Ginger Sparkling Tonic Instructions: Easy peasy, lemon squeezie. mix over ice and enjoy! Signatures,Originals,Easy to Make,Fizzy,Light & Refreshing