"Avocado Syrup | Crafted Pour"

"This little syrup is super easy to make and can elevate your cocktail within seconds. The 'Floaty AVO' is just one example how to use this syrup but experiment for yourself :)", "undefined", "Avocado Syrup",


Avocado Syrup By , This little syrup is super easy to make and can elevate your cocktail within seconds. The 'Floaty AVO' is just one example how to use this syrup but experiment for yourself :) This little syrup is super easy to make and can elevate your cocktail within seconds. The 'Floaty AVO' is just one example how to use this syrup but experiment for yourself :) Ingredients: - Caster Sugar - Water Instructions: Dissolve the sugar in water over medium heat, put the avocado in (peeled and pitted) and mix with a blender. Double strain, ready to use. Easy to Make,Essentials,Syrup