"Teddy Bear | Crafted Pour"

"Hello friends! Tonight I have an interesting shooter for 2-ingredient Tuesday: a layered shot featuring root beer schnapps and vodka called a Teddy Bear! Before researching for this drink, I was unaware that they even made root beer schnapps. This shot was very interesting, and the vodka tempered any harshness from the schnapps. It was very smooth going down, and was a very pleasant little shot, perfect for a Tuesday night! Cheers!", "undefined", "Teddy Bear",


Teddy Bear By , Hello friends! Tonight I have an interesting shooter for 2-ingredient Tuesday: a layered shot featuring root beer schnapps and vodka called a Teddy Bear! Before researching for this drink, I was unaware that they even made root beer schnapps. This shot was very interesting, and the vodka tempered any harshness from the schnapps. It was very smooth going down, and was a very pleasant little shot, perfect for a Tuesday night! Cheers! Hello friends! Tonight I have an interesting shooter for 2-ingredient Tuesday: a layered shot featuring root beer schnapps and vodka called a Teddy Bear! Before researching for this drink, I was unaware that they even made root beer schnapps. This shot was very interesting, and the vodka tempered any harshness from the schnapps. It was very smooth going down, and was a very pleasant little shot, perfect for a Tuesday night! Cheers! Ingredients: - Root Beer Schnapps - Vodka Instructions: Layer root beer schnapps and vodka in a shot glass. Spirit Forward,Shooter,Easy to Make,1990s,Layered