"Bourbon Blood Orange Fizz | Crafted Pour"

"What makes for a bad combination? A hyper puppy and an uncoordinated human. Cleveland had his first bath at the pet store, and it went about as well as expected. He could not wait to get out of there; even the promise of a new toy or bully stick could keep him from wanting to bolt. As we made our way outside, Cleveland took off running toward home with me in tow. I did fine…at first. I got way overconfident and totally missed one of those tree-well-thingys on the sidewalk. The leg went down, the ankle went sideways, the knee hit the pavement, and the hand scraped down the decorative tree in the center of the well. Graceless, thy name is Robin. Fortunately, The Hubby was there to take the pup’s leash, and bluntly told me I should not be running…ever. I hobbled along home to clean my skinned knee, scratched hand, and very bruised ego. I definitely needed an uplifting drink after that. Cheers!", "undefined", "Bourbon Blood Orange Fizz",


Bourbon Blood Orange Fizz By , What makes for a bad combination? A hyper puppy and an uncoordinated human. Cleveland had his first bath at the pet store, and it went about as well as expected. He could not wait to get out of there; even the promise of a new toy or bully stick could keep him from wanting to bolt. As we made our way outside, Cleveland took off running toward home with me in tow. I did fine…at first. I got way overconfident and totally missed one of those tree-well-thingys on the sidewalk. The leg went down, the ankle went sideways, the knee hit the pavement, and the hand scraped down the decorative tree in the center of the well. Graceless, thy name is Robin. Fortunately, The Hubby was there to take the pup’s leash, and bluntly told me I should not be running…ever. I hobbled along home to clean my skinned knee, scratched hand, and very bruised ego. I definitely needed an uplifting drink after that. Cheers! What makes for a bad combination? A hyper puppy and an uncoordinated human. Cleveland had his first bath at the pet store, and it went about as well as expected. He could not wait to get out of there; even the promise of a new toy or bully stick could keep him from wanting to bolt. As we made our way outside, Cleveland took off running toward home with me in tow. I did fine…at first. I got way overconfident and totally missed one of those tree-well-thingys on the sidewalk. The leg went down, the ankle went sideways, the knee hit the pavement, and the hand scraped down the decorative tree in the center of the well. Graceless, thy name is Robin. Fortunately, The Hubby was there to take the pup’s leash, and bluntly told me I should not be running…ever. I hobbled along home to clean my skinned knee, scratched hand, and very bruised ego. I definitely needed an uplifting drink after that. Cheers! Ingredients: - Carefree Bourbon Barrel Strength - Fresh Squeezed Blood Orange Juice Instructions: Add ingredients to cocktail shaker with ice. Shake 15 seconds. Fine strain into Collins glass over ice. Add fruit slices. Top with blood orange ginger beer. Sip from ImPasta straw. Easy to Make,Fizzy,Fruity,Light & Refreshing