"Barnum Flip | Crafted Pour"

"This drink is a collaboration with a friend-- we were inspired by the use of animal crackers in a cocktail and felt it would be delicious in a flip to mimic the decadent frosted animal crackers. Indeed it does-- this drink is luscious and dessert-like without being overly sweet.", "undefined", "Barnum Flip",


Barnum Flip By , This drink is a collaboration with a friend-- we were inspired by the use of animal crackers in a cocktail and felt it would be delicious in a flip to mimic the decadent frosted animal crackers. Indeed it does-- this drink is luscious and dessert-like without being overly sweet. This drink is a collaboration with a friend-- we were inspired by the use of animal crackers in a cocktail and felt it would be delicious in a flip to mimic the decadent frosted animal crackers. Indeed it does-- this drink is luscious and dessert-like without being overly sweet. Ingredients: - Animal Cracker-infused Bourbon - Aged Rum Instructions: Infuse 2:1 bourbon to animal crackers by weight for 2-3 days. Squeeze through cheesecloth or superbag, then strain through coffee filter. Combine all ingredients and dry shake, then shake with ice until chilled. Strain into glass and garnish with sprinkles. Flip,Dessert,Originals,Rich