"Cai-Piranha Plant | Crafted Pour"

"In keeping with some themed cocktails we made on stream recently, it wouldn't be complete without a concoction born during the Livestream itself! The thought that occured to me was that I'd always wanted to try Cachaça, the national spirit of Brazil. In keeping with custom, it would be best served to a newbie as a caipirinha. The cocktail itself was eye-opening, and we had to have a version of our own. This modification reminds us of a warp-pipe or two whose housing has been commandeered by a rather malevolent piece of foliage. Watch yourself if you try to slip through to the underground because this plant's got quite the set of chompers! The intense ripe-banana notes of the cachaça blend beautifully with the pear and lime notes. After all, this one's basically a modified and green caipirinha (and it's such a worthwhile modification for those who crave a bit of exploration)!", "undefined", "Cai-Piranha Plant",


Cai-Piranha Plant By , In keeping with some themed cocktails we made on stream recently, it wouldn't be complete without a concoction born during the Livestream itself!

The thought that occured to me was that I'd always wanted to try Cachaça, the national spirit of Brazil. In keeping with custom, it would be best served to a newbie as a caipirinha. The cocktail itself was eye-opening, and we had to have a version of our own.

This modification reminds us of a warp-pipe or two whose housing has been commandeered by a rather malevolent piece of foliage. Watch yourself if you try to slip through to the underground because this plant's got quite the set of chompers! The intense ripe-banana notes of the cachaça blend beautifully with the pear and lime notes. After all, this one's basically a modified and green caipirinha (and it's such a worthwhile modification for those who crave a bit of exploration)! In keeping with some themed cocktails we made on stream recently, it wouldn't be complete without a concoction born during the Livestream itself! The thought that occured to me was that I'd always wanted to try Cachaça, the national spirit of Brazil. In keeping with custom, it would be best served to a newbie as a caipirinha. The cocktail itself was eye-opening, and we had to have a version of our own. This modification reminds us of a warp-pipe or two whose housing has been commandeered by a rather malevolent piece of foliage. Watch yourself if you try to slip through to the underground because this plant's got quite the set of chompers! The intense ripe-banana notes of the cachaça blend beautifully with the pear and lime notes. After all, this one's basically a modified and green caipirinha (and it's such a worthwhile modification for those who crave a bit of exploration)! Ingredients: - Lime Wedges - Cachaça Instructions: Take half of a lime and cut it into a few wedges. Muddle the wedges at the bottom of your cocktail glass. Build the liquid ingredients starting with the cachaça and stir when completed. To create a Piranha Plant garnish, first grab a nice red strawberry. Cut a wedge out of the bottom of it to make it look like a mouth. Take a handful of small white chocolate chip morsels and plunge them into the sides of the strawberry until it takes on a spotted pattern. Stick a green piece of bamboo or a straw into the leafy side of the plant and place upright into the cocktail glass (which at this point should look like a warp pipe) Themed,Spirit Forward,Mario,Video Game,Funky,Citrusy,Originals