"Duane Mead | Crafted Pour"

"Hi, a little bit of personal background, I worked in the hospitality industry many moons ago bartending when I was much younger, since then I have changed careers, but I never lost my love for mixing cocktails, and the niche community I love being a part of. My main hobby now, besides raising a family, is the craft that is sometimes referred to as mixology for the non professionals, or homebartending. I have also fallen in love with everything tiki, and really enjoy going down the rum "rabbit hole". The idea of a tiki revival in Australia and broadening our footrpint in this market is slowly becoming a passion, or obsession, of mine that I am investing alot of my spare time into, so I look forward to working with, and sharing my passion with like minded folks in this community. cheers. DM", "undefined", "Duane Mead",


Duane Mead By , May 8, 2009 Hi, 
a little bit of personal background, I worked in the hospitality industry many moons ago bartending when I was much younger, since then I have changed careers, but I never lost my love for mixing cocktails, and the niche community I love being a part of.
My main hobby now, besides raising a family, is the craft that is sometimes referred to as mixology for the non professionals, or homebartending. I have also fallen in love with everything tiki, and really enjoy going down the rum Hi, a little bit of personal background, I worked in the hospitality industry many moons ago bartending when I was much younger, since then I have changed careers, but I never lost my love for mixing cocktails, and the niche community I love being a part of. My main hobby now, besides raising a family, is the craft that is sometimes referred to as mixology for the non professionals, or homebartending. I have also fallen in love with everything tiki, and really enjoy going down the rum "rabbit hole". The idea of a tiki revival in Australia and broadening our footrpint in this market is slowly becoming a passion, or obsession, of mine that I am investing alot of my spare time into, so I look forward to working with, and sharing my passion with like minded folks in this community. cheers. DM